苦悶の悔恨 (Agonizing Remorse) · Strixhaven Mystical Archive (STA) #87 · Scryfall Magic The Gathering Search,勝利の算段 (Triumphant Reckoning) · Commander Legends (CMR) #628 · Scryfall Magic The Gathering Search,MTG □金/英語版□ 《漆月魁渡/Kaito Shizuki》☆拡張アートFOIL☆神河:輝ける世界 NEO - 金、マルチカラー,Magic: The Gathering Near Mint or Better Individual Trading Card Games in Japanese Instant for sale | eBay,I'm confused a bit. So both of these cards pull up as Japanese Showcase but the one with English words matches the TCGPlayer card the one in actual Japanese matches nothing on,